17 June, 2009

Come Together

Frozen roads
Frozen hearts
Frozen tears
Frozen moments

Take me
Move me
Leave me
Love me

Open hands
Melted hearts
Bloody floors
Crawling skin

New light
New sights
My way

His tears?
His fears?
His pain?
No gain?

No guilt
Look ahead
No filth
Dream away


Words always
Touch always
Hearts always
Love always

Forgive always...

04 June, 2009

I Apologise

I apologise
To all who I hurt
Sometimes by actions
Sometimes by words

How was I to know
That holding on was wrong
That expressing myself
Would hurt so strong

For that I apologise
My dear friend
For that I apologise
My dear love

Month after Month
In just a year
I have lost you
I have pursued you

Winding down the road
I mock myself
For never stopping
Always wanting

If this poem hurts too
I am sorry
If I can never be forgiven
I am sorry

I will not hurt you again
This I promise you
I will miss you dear
And that remains true

(Dedicated to the only person who knows me more than I know myself)